More (Christmas) snow fun and an ANGEL at that! Who'd of ever thunk it?
Monday, December 27, 2010
Snow, Baby!
Fun in the snow, no time to look at mom!
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Merry Christmas 2010: Do you hear what I hear?
I love music and Christmas time brings an nostalgia to so many season favorites. One of my favorites is Mariah Carey’s version of Oh Holy Night; it leaves me wandering from reality right into the truest reason to celebrate Christmas:
Oh, holy night, the stars are brightly shining
It is the night of our dear Savior's birth.
No matter the month on the calendar, my family and I love all kinds of music. We (the boys and I) spend a lot of time in the car going to or from all things baseball, so the fact we have fun enjoying some of the same music together at times gets us over the hill and around the bend with laughter and a renewed energy on the long rides. There are a few songs that I could list here as indicative of Mitchel’s 16th year, but none as true as John Fogerty’s Centerfield:
Well, beat the drum and hold the phone - the sun came out today!
We’re born again, there’s new grass on the field.
A-roundin’ third, and headed for home, it’s (my) brown-eyed handsome man;
Anyone can understand the way I feel.
Put me in Coach, I’m ready to play, today!
He continues, somehow, to keep growing and has passed his dad at just about 6’ 3” and filling up size 16 shoes. I think his body is trying to catch up with his heart. On the ball field Mitchel has had a wonderful year playing for a few teams including his high school team, the Richmond Patriots. He’s had few and minor (thankfully) injuries, a lot of compliments from other coaches, many RBIs and several home runs, however this year’s red letter day was penned with what every boy dreams of when he rocked a grand slam! I honestly can not tell you who in our family was more excited, and it was exhilarating for the entire ballpark to celebrate with him. None of us will ever forget it! And yet, watching him lumber across the ice and snow slicked road to shovel a widow’s driveway or load the groceries from a handicapped woman’s cart to her trunk is what makes my own heart melt. His heart is bigger than his beautiful smile and for that I am the most thankful.
Nicholas is the life of our home and my life would not be complete without him. He’s like no other, full of energy, laughter, character, adventure, curiosity, surprises, tenacity, toughness, sweetness and love. I sometimes joke that I should hang a “donations accepted” sign on him from which we’d probably be able to eat for a week. We’re all worn out by bed time, but it’s always been and adventure from sunrise to sunset as portrayed in Even Heros Sleep from the broadway show Starmites:
Say good night, I'll be the light, and pray your soul to keep
It's been fun, but day is done, and even heroes sleep.
Close your eyes, and maybe then you'll fly
to the planets and back again
And bring those dragons to their woeful end
pretend and close your eyes
My little hero, My little boy
My little hero, Close your eyes...
First grade is of no consequence to my insatiable adventurer. As fast as his little body goes, his mind is far ahead (of it and of us). Anything he wants to do, wants, is taken by storm. He’d rather not be boxed in, but that’s one of the treasures of homeschooling and this mommy understands that feeling so well. We’ll continue to lose ourselves in great stories, (his and others’) and enjoy life together while we’re blessed enough to have it this way.
Along with my ordinary (that’s funny-ordinary) schedule and responsibilities, I’ve taken the plunge and have started toward a side business sharing my passion through photography. I keep my blog updated pretty regularly @ and would love to have you stop by to see what I’m up to. Indeed it is A Wonderful World:
I see trees of green, red roses too
I see them bloom for me and you
And I think to myself what a wonderful world.
I hear babies crying, I watch them grow
They'll learn much more than I'll never know
And I think to myself what a wonderful world
Yes I think to myself what a wonderful world.
I’m still learning all the time, but I’m thrilled to be giving others a treasured and permanent part of their fleeting lives. I don’t know just how far into my business plan I’ll get this year; between managing everything to run our home, schooling the boys, baseball and whatever Nicholas decides he’s going to do this year, I’m really stretched for days around home. Slow and steady is fine with me. My children won’t wait to grow up and I don’t intend on missing that.
Troy continues to be a workhorse on the job and we continue to be very thankful that he is still with Smurfit Stone and working along side some people he counts as friends. He's been so busy with work that vacation days were packed away, and when they were scheduled baseball practices/tryouts popped up. More than anything, he loves to be involved in Mitchel’s baseball and Nicholas’ adventures as much as possible. He’s a great dad. I can only imagine what will break out of him when Nicholas gets his wish of hitting the football field. Oh boy! In my unique sense of humor I would like to put in a few choices of songs to exemplify his life this year, but alas I shall refrain. We love our life, our boys, our family, but we often wish for time away together, just the two of us. Someday. Until then, any day when it is the two of us together is a good day. Dave Matthews, You and Me Together:
Wanna pack your bags
Something small
Take what you need and we disappear
Without a trace we be gone, gone
The moon and the stars follow the car
And then when we get to the ocean
Gonna take a boat to the end of the world
All the way to the end of the world
Oh, And when the kids are old enough
Were gonna teach them to fly
You and me together, could do anything baby
You and me together yes yes
The two of us together, could do anything baby
You and me together, yes yes
Our hope for you this Christmas is that you can keep a song in your heart throughout the new year and enjoy life to its fullest with those you love. Next time you hear Oh Holy Night, think about what John 10:10 says, He came that we would have abundant life. We wish your family just that!
Merry Christmas with Love,
Troy, Tami, Mitchel and Nicholas Henion
Friday, December 24, 2010
Gifts for Jesus
"Christmas is Jesus' birthday, right?"
"Right, Mom."
"The Bible says that the wise-men brought 3 gifts to Jesus when he was just a little boy. Do you have anything to give to Him?"
And with a moment's hesitation, he answered, "Yes, I do."
"You do? What do you have?"
"I have worship, my obedience and belief."
Those words are not recited, recalled or reiterated from anything drilled, they're feelings from his heart and for the Lord.
That's all.
Happy Birthday, Jesus.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Baby's first Christmas
Little A was a JOY on this cold, blustery day. She smiled, giggled and flew through the air. Her pretty momma was enjoying every expression that she'd conjure up and there was no shortage of them. Merry Christmas, girls!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Two Seamer
Twas the afternoon of practice
When the ball I did not see...
Monday, November 15, 2010
Psalm 107:1 (NIV) "Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever."
Counting my blessings through the storms. Thankful, so thankful, that the Lord's love endures. How about you? Are you thankful today?
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Honoring our Veteran
November 11 is the day my sons and I take our annual memorial walk through the Veterans Cemetery. It's quite a sight to see thousands of USA flags whipping with the wind beside every grave. Many have been buried with honors of United States Veteran, but none as special as our own. Pop served as a young man in the Korean War aboard a naval ship. He told many stories of cooking for the hundreds of (mostly) men on that boat. However, until his death we never knew of the medals and honors the Navy had bestowed on him. Not that it matters; we loved him because of who he was, not what he'd done. Last fall Nanny joined his earthly shell as her body was laid to rest with his. This year Nicholas learned a little more about the Pop he never knew and he remembered Nanny; he was saddened to realize, again, that she wasn't coming home. It was no easier remembering and missing them this week than it was the day they left us. These are the reasons we long for heaven and say, Come quickly Lord Jesus, come.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Father and sons
You know, there were many years in our marriage that Mr. T and I didn't know if we'd have any children at all. As a matter of fact, I recall an especially tender moment early on when my husband looked in my eyes and said, "I married you because I love you, not because you would have my children." It took me longer, but I came to the point (more than once) where I was at peace with whatever the Lord had for my life, children included or not. Now look at us, not only do we have children, we have the two most awesome boys that any parent would want. We are thankful not only for what the Lord has done for us, but also we're thrilled with the people He's used to do it through. We love you M and N!
Eph 3:20-21
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Ps 138:17-18 God never runs out of good thoughts of me, of you.
No matter what you hear others say, or what you think you hear others say, God's thoughts are not disturbed, interrupted or swayed. A couple of my favorite verses: Psalm 139:17-18. How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand. When I awake, I am still with you.God's good thoughts of us are as countless as the grains of sand on the beach.
I just read my friend Joy's blog, the Lord rehearsed Ps 139:17-18 continually through my mind. The tongue holds a two-way street of great influence in our lives. No doubt. I am reminded to measure my own worth in the light of God's eyes and at the feet of His only begotten Son. There, the words on those sticky notes are penned only in love and stuck always for eternity. Because of who He is: He is our I Am. Joy, Thank you for your words as I ponder His presence with you.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
My three guys
Today is October 31, 2010. There are two big significant annual acknowledgments of the day: my parents wedding anniversary (51 years this year) and, of course, our family's first Christmas movie night of the season tradition.
Mom and Dad were planning on coming over here to go out for dinner with us and we were all looking forward to it. My Mr. even planned, yes PLANNED out the afternoon and everything. Unfortunately, Mom wasn't feeling well, so they had to cancel.
Picking up the slack, we made a day out of an unexpected and unplanned weekend afternoon. We had a lot of fun making our rounds: Strawberry Street Cafe for bathtub salad, For the Love of Chocolate for movie treats, Maymont Park for a walk in the setting sun and home to watch our Christmas movie. I love our little family traditions like this, quirky as they may be, and I can't wait to do it again next year.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Can I crush the ducks?
No, you can't.
But how do you stop a little boy from throwing stones into the lake? And why would you do anything to stop the fun from flowing faster than the sun was setting? I wouldn't and I didn't.
We had a wonderful time frolicking through colored leaves and pebbled lake front sand.
It was almost too much to take in-so much of God's beauty and priceless creation all in one spot.
The sunset and my son doing everything except setting. Good times!
Friday, October 22, 2010
The perils of a snap shot {Tooth Fairy Tales}
Freckles and cookie crumbs clear as day. I took my first love (Canon 300D) out for a stroll this afternoon. Oh, how I love this camera! Yeah, it's the dinosaur of dslrs by all standards, but I DO love it and here it's easy to see why. Clear as a bell. And the kid is pretty cute too. The only downfall to the afternoon was our neighbor's son inquiring about the Tooth Fairy to our son. He cannot tell a lie! ;)
Wait, what season is it again?
A. Summer
B. Winter
C. Spring
D. Autumn
Answer: D
October 21, 2010 and 75 degrees. I think even the trees are confused. Gorgeous day out there, but it's hard to believe that it's the middle of autumn!
Back where he belongs
Welcome Home Dad! Enough said.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Uh-Oh, spagehetti...
Uh-oh, spaghetti-o: You know how it goes. Tonight I was surprised. Tonight is the night that my wonderful, handsome son was escorting a pretty young lady to her homecoming. I helped him shop for his outfit and because that's not easy when you're a 6'3" big guy with size 16 feet, I told him to tell her what color HE was wearing and to follow suit. :) After making all of our final choices we decided that he could wear Dad's dress shoes, socks and belt-but we picked out a new tie. There he was in the dressing room at Kohls fitted nicely. Finally. Jokingly answering his muse I told him I was so far from crying due to the stinky baseball cap glued to his head. Later that week as we passed the school I started singing (and signing while driving, is that wrong?) "It's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A." I see you doing it too. My all knowing teenager chided me saying that they don't play that song at dances anymore. So, I made him a friendly bet and kindly told him that I expected a phone call when the Village People showed up, and that I would be happy to bring him home early so he didn't have to listen to that old stuff! I doubt my phone will be ringing but not because he's not wailing his arms through the air in common motion.
This afternoon we were across town at Whole Foods for lunch. We had headed out of the parking lot as he remembers he wanted to pick up some flowers. Now, we'd already covered that too; she said they didn't give corsages for Homecoming...apparently he and I received different messages here. Back into the store we go. She got a beautiful pink/peach bouquet of fresh cut flowers and I got a bag of dried up but spicy scented pine cones. Sigh.
We came home and Mitchel did his thing: shower, relax, panic when at 6:20 the electricity went out (I only thought about praying it stayed off and canceled homecoming for about 2 1/2 seconds. Good job, Mom.), got dressed, fully dressed some would say: "Who cares what they're wearing From Main Street, to Saville Row, It's what you wear from ear to ear And not from head to toe..."
No. When I called home this morning and asked my husband, "Did you figure out if you have a belt for him that will work?" The answer SHOULD have been "NO." But it wasn't. There he stood dressed in black from head to toe (with a smile) except for that big brown belt circling his waist. Problem. Sensing just one of my not so endearing glances, Troy heads upstairs and comes down with a handful of black belts. Much better. Doing whatever it took to make one fit occupied him to the kitchen for a few minutes which left M and I with an untied tie. What do we do? Youtube, of course. Neither one of us could follow "Billy's" instructions but we had a blast laughing at the rolling comments of, "Thanks Dude, homecoming is tonight and...." and, "Me too, Dude. Thanks." Ha-ha! I told Mitchel to ask around to see how many got Billy's help tying their ties tonight. For us,Dad saved the night again.
The one unwelcome thing autumn drags with its onset is the dark early evenings. I knew, due to both of their sports schedules for the day, that it would be dark at the set meeting time leaving me unable to get any photos outdoors, so I tucked my camera safely in its bag. Denial? Perhaps. I tried to keep my son loose and took a couple fun shots with my phone, which are horrible, but just in case I want them sometime in the future they're there. I'm sure her parents have a camera handy and no photographic expectations of themselves. If all goes well tonight, I'm hoping they'll share.
Headed across the front sidewalk I watched as my son (wait, have I ever seen him in a tie before? I don't think so!) head out for his first homecoming. Sad? Not really, I am proud of the young man he is and I have no reason not to trust him. He's going to have a blast and he's in good company. His baseball buddies were excited to have him coming and he was looking forward to seeing all of them on something other than dirt.
I could stop here, but then you wouldn't be privy to my surprise. As soon as we shut the door I had to fix my little guy some Spaghetti-Os. Right there on my counter as I reached for the can opener sat my surprise. Baby Mitchel framed around "I love Daddy" scribbles. And then it hit me, what happened to that little boy in that frame? How could it be the same ten toes and ten fingers, the very same Dapper Dan smile and perfect dimple who just left my house? How?
Uh-oh, I need to get some tissues.
P.S. It's 10:33pm. He'll be home soon! ;)
Monday, October 11, 2010
It's a zoo out there!
Two more days and we're going back. My little guy has earned the title: HZTG: the honorary zoo tour guide. As we show our passes each Wednesday he enters through the gates with a march in his step. He has the gibbon call down to a perfect imitation (just ask the little boy who put in a special request last week), knows the various paths and how many steps each requires to get to each animal's home, and he never tires of riding the safari train through "Africa." That's where Ted lives! This fall there are several zoo babies that we love to go check on and see how much they've grown in the time passed since our last visit. Hurry buy Tuesday, we're waiting for Wednesday.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Football widow, not for me! We're Cheeseheads together!
Just over 23 years ago I met the love of my life. It was tough competition for me since my guy had a few loves of his own already. One of them was and is football. Friday nights he'd freeze a few toes off on the field as team chaplain for a local public high school. He loved doing that so much. Saturdays he'd try to fit in any sort of pick up game he could manage. Sunday afternoons between church services and Monday nights were reserved for what every true fan of football did at those times: watch the game. It became a time for sanctity (and pizza) when the Green Bay Packers were being televised. Over the years we've had a lot of fun planning the times we can watch a game together. Of course I love my husband for so many reasons, but I do love to love football with him. Go Pack, Go!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Love at first sight
Because we, Nicholas and I, love the zoo so much, we decided to take along big brother with us today. Pretending he was too tired to come with us, MItchel sure brightened up upon meeting this little guy. I think I heard them talking about being the 'tall' ones of the bunch and all that entails.
Truly though, this picture does show the relationship quite well and M really did love the giraffes. We spent a lot of time with them.
The more I gazed at and studied this animal, the more amazed I was at Creator God. Just in this one animal there's no other explanation aside from careful and meticulous design that makes a giraffe able to function. Even higher than the giraffe is tall, I stand in awe of my Lord and savior.
Let heaven and earth praise Him, the seas and all that move in them" (Psalm 69:34)
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Frog hunting
"I'm looking for snakes or at least frogs, Mom."
Sitting on the dock of the bay, wishing so anyway
Vacation is something my little dude has been anticipating. Cheers were heard across the house and echoed into the neighborhood when I told N that Daddy was taking his vacation time next week. Together we looked at the calendar as I showed him how many days that was. Sadly, due to a death in the family our dog and house sitter fell through and we had to cancel our plans for getting away. Even sadder is that it's Thursday now and we've done nothing to make one little six year old happy with life. Shopping, waiting for his big brother to do or to get or, or, or, just isn't fun and it really isn't fair. So, tomorrow it's a big day for Mitchel but Mommy is going to make it a fun day for Nicholas too!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Never forget, never forgotten
Ma said to me once as she knew her time on earth was drawing to a close, "You won't ever forget me, will you Tami?" (She almost never called me by name.) We laughed in my reply that that would indeed be impossible even if I wanted to.
No, I'll never forget her and I'll never stop talking about her.
Ways we remember you, Ma:
*buttering toast
*cooking chicken for dinner, "Chicken 'ain't nothin' but a bird."
*Halloween witches handing out candy to the kids
*your rocker sitting here idle and empty
*Nicholas starting a sentence, "Nanny..."
*rushing home to fix your meal...or not
Wow, Here I was prepared to keep listing, but the truth is, everything reminds us of you. Our house is not the same anymore. Our pain hasn't subsided in our loss, but we trust the Lord knowing your pain is gone and our loss is such a great gain for you.
Lawrence Welk was on Saturday night, I've never actually stopped to watch him before but know you never missed your weekend date. I stopped. I listened and I think I heard you singing along and I know I saw you dancing...this time on the streets of gold and surrounded with a choir of angels. One day we'll see you again.
Until then:
Never forgotten. Always missed.
We love you, Ma.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Birthday to Anniversary Balloons
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Tacos, Snickers and Traffic ahead
I still remember what I wore, what he drove, how we walked (him hanging down his arm hoping I'd grab his hand: I didn't), how we talked and how sad I was that it ended too soon.
Here we are two decades and two children later. Two people smuggled by the traffic congestion of life, but still so in love with each other.
The sign is so obvious: congestion ahead. The signs of our lives melding together in love and through the Lord were just as blatant from the word go. And today, 9-26-10, I'd still, after all the years and all the obvious, I'd still sit in traffic with him any day.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Baby's riding off to dreamland
Don't you cry
Go to sleep my little baby
When you wake
You shall have
All the pretty little ponies
In your bed
Momma said
Baby's riding off to dreamland
One by one
They've begun
Dance and prance for little baby
Blacks and bays
Dapples and greys
Running in the night
When you wake
You shall have
All the pretty little ponies
Can you see the little ponies
Dance before your eyes
All the pretty little ponies
Will be there when you arise
All The Pretty Little Ponies
~Kenny Logins
They say prayer changes things.
Snacks were important, yes. Being close to Momma was very important, yes-yes. Looking at that woman with the camera, not so much. And please, PLEASE get me off of this bench.
She got off but not without suffering a bit of a bloody lip. She bounced herself off of that seat faster than I could press the shutter or mom could catch a breath. She's fine, but Mom and I both lost a couple years that day. I hope she'll let me try again one day soon!
Look, up in the sky!
He must have sensed my level of excitement, "Mom, are you scared."
"You betcha!" is what my mind was yelling, but my mouth somehow muttered, "I'm fine, Honey."
Our shoes stayed on our feet, incredibly so, my boy didn't fall out of the open sides into the rhino's play yard and I didn't have to test my swimming out in the giraffe mote.
I get to do this again, and again and again. Thank God there was a carousel; I DO love that ride. (More to come about that one.)
Monday, September 20, 2010
It's coming!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Friday, September 17, 2010
Heart's desires
Going to the beach is one thing that flows through our veins fully and at an urgent pace at times. Like now. So, as it looks like he's praying sitting in the sunrise on the beach the only time he's ever been there, I'm going to pray that we return soon. As shallow as it may seem, I know the Lord wants to give me my heart's desire and now more than ever my desire is to back there where my little guy fell in love with the beach.
Play time
Luckily enough, we'll be watching several babies grow up. Here's one of them-we don't know his/her name yet, but this Momma sure loved playing with her baby. WE loved watching that play time just as much. I'll keep my lens on him and share the growth charts as I do.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
"They're better than s'mores, Nicholas!"
"They are, Mom?"
"Yes, Honey. It's like putting marshmallows on bread with peanut butter."
The next afternoon as we finished up school work, I heard him busy himself in the kitchen. I didn't think much of it since it's a common activity which usually results in a cold juice and snack. Not today. No sir.
You see exactly what I saw when I turned the corner. Not wanting to hurt his feelings, I grabbed my camera and contained my laugh, but he sensed my hysterics.
"I made it bad. It's no good."
"NO, Honey. YOU made it PERFECTLY, that's why I'm getting a picture of it."
And there you have it: Fluff-a-nutter by Nicholas. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did (and from the bite that was already missing, him too.)
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
After finally healing up after a minor surgery, my fil was able to go home from the hospital. Knowing it was inevitable that we step up our level of care of he and my mil, my husband and I made plans to build a house big enough for our 7 y/o son (and his pride and joy), us and them to all live in together. Thursday was the big day; the house was done and the unveiling was to take place on Friday. It's never a good thing when the phone rings late at night, and as I listened to my her frantic exclamations, my husband jumped into his car and sped 'home.' to be with his mom and see his dad. He didn't make it before my dear father in law passed so unexpectedly. We still moved into our new house, but it was an incomplete family...and in more than one way.
After years of infertility, we found ourselves pregnant on the first anniversary of Pop's death. This photo shows my oldest walking back from introducing his brother for the first time to the grandpa he'll never know this side of heaven. {2008}
I haven't printed it for a couple of reasons: it's still pretty much unedited as I'm not sure the feel I want for it to share and more accurately, it's such a raw moment in time. What would people think when/if they saw it in my home on display? I knew I wanted to have it for...something (a frame? a scrapbook page? a canvas?) but I'm still not too sure what I want to do with it. It's both a moment I always want remember as I honor his memory, his life, and at the same time it's one I so often want to forget needs remembering at all.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Goin' to the Zoo today, goin' to the zoo!
Friday, September 3, 2010
Scratch and Sniff (almost)
There is a no fail way to grab the attention of each of my guys. It all starts with a clove of garlic sizzling in olive oil. That'll do it every time. One by one the boys come out of hiding to find out what I'm cooking. Tonight's menu was staring Eggplant Parmesan, but it could have been any number of a dozen favorite family recipes. I love to cook for my family probably because I know it makes them happy. Mrs. Proverbs would be pleased as would my mom. Although I'll never fill her shoes, she waited a long time for me to follow in her footsteps like this.
Tomorrow's dinner: leftovers. :)
Thursday, September 2, 2010
What he (and she) said
"Oh, I bet you're glad school starts next week!"
(You should have seen her face when I told her I homeschool!)
"Don't worry. I had a son just like him; he grew up just fine."
Gee, thanks. I think.
"He's going to be president some day. I've seen him in here before."
Uh, president of the USA? I hope it was a compliment. I said thanks.
"I'm so glad you brought him tonight! He's so entertaining."
Donations accepted. Really!
"He just never stops, I can tell."
Right. (I can tell, too.)
"He's sooooooo cute and smart."
And exasperating.
"You've got your hands full with that one, don't you?"
Yep. I thank God for it every day.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
1. My mom calls me every August 26 exactly at 2:26 in the afternoon which marks
both my birthdate and birth time. She does this for each of her 6 children.
2. I have to ask my mom what time my own children were born-that or look up
their records somewhere.
3. My mom has taught me a lot about life and how to live it well-with grace,
strength and faith. Thanks mom. My dad has taught me so much, too!
4. My first date with my husband was on the 26th. I never realized how that is
such a familiar number in my life's events.
5. I love cold pillows, warm socks and the silky binding on fluffy blankets.
6. Always is the perfect time to be at the beach. That will never change.
7. There are no words: Hummingbird Cake-my favorite:
8. I am an all or nothing person. That can be a really good thing, or not so much.
9. To know me means to know how much I love teaching.
10. I gave birth to my two sons just about ten years apart.
11. Dr. Bohannon, my anesthesiologist, was a high school friend of my husband's.
They were almost happier to see one another again (as they shook hands
over my very large and viciously contracting belly) as I was to meet him. He
was there for both of my c/sections as well as my gallbladder operation.
I <3 him!
12. Everywhere we go, Troy runs into someone he knows.
He talks to them for hours, it past friendships grew in other places.
13. My BS in Education was earned at LU. I have only great memories of my
years there and it's a heartwarming journey anytime I'm near to visit.
14. My best friends truly have loved at all times. Proverbs 17:17
15. Sometimes I think I don't deserve my husband.
16. Sometimes I think I don't want to be around my husband.
17. Those beams in my eyes seem to be recurring. (See #16)
18. I need to PLAN. Everything. Always.
19. I am NO fun to live with if my house, to-do list, out of order.
20. My teenager says I'm OCD. I'll have to think about that one a little more. Ok.
I'll give it to him...a little bit.
21. I love to write.
22. I love to take pictures.
23. I don't write or take pictures enough (probably because they're not
written down in my planner.)
24. If you meet me and don't know that I love the Lord-or more, that He loves
me, I consider that to my detriment.
It's sort of back to the beach thing again (vs17-18).
25. I worry too much about what- ifs and miss too many could-have-beens along
the way.
26. Do you remember wishing on your third and last fictional wish
for even more wishes?
That's where I am with my last random thing about me. I think I'll come back
later with more and not write a last one here and now. (I'm a planner, yes,
but not usually "in the box.") I like that about me. (This doesn't count as #26-
or maybe it does, and the Genie showed up!)
Thursday, August 26, 2010
MEDIUM boy, not baby boy, fyi.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Thursday, August 19, 2010
A lump of coal
Nicholas, "Mommy, LOOK! A train! Can we stop to take a picture?"
Me, "I can't pull off the highway right now, but that is a neat train!"
N, "What's in that train and what is it for?"
Me, "That's coal. It's used by some things for fuel similar to how fire works in a fire place."
N, "Oh, well that's a lot of coal."
Me, "Yeah, some people would say that's what naughty kids get in their stockings from Santa."
N, "Well I guess that's where it's going then, to the North Pole getting ready for Christmas."
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
An normal day...
but far from ordinary. I love my son!
A day with my firstborn.
Last week Mitchel and I got a chance to spend the day alone. Nobody who knows him will be surprised by the photos: Baseball bat, baseball, food, computers, diet cokes...they define the boy. Punch buggy: well, that keeps the travel time fun and I take the chance every now and again to tease him that it's going to be my car of choice for him. That's a long ways from his Corvette dreams. His dreams, my nightmares. Thanks for a fun day, Big M. We can't do it enough! Thank the Lord for a new battery for you computer (free)!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
A Pool and a couple pairs of wings
Monday, August 9, 2010
Digging deeper
IMG_0477w, originally uploaded by TH.Photography.
We could call him Digger. He digs for everything: sand, lost toys, frogs, worms, clams ...answers unexpected and, well, boogers as the little boy in him requires. I have a photo for that too.
We need to head back to the beach as his digging is obviously incomplete. Stay tuned.
Monday, August 2, 2010
The Big. The Bad. The Boy. The BOSS!
Sunday, August 1, 2010
beautiful mountain breezes and baseball
I am here and ready to cheer on the guys as they strive to learn, to follow direction and and take leadership from the coaches- to their own lives and also to their teammates.
I am excited and eager to see these boys bring 2 outstanding rosters to every game this year: Patriots: LOVE, SUPPORT and's your namesake. We're behind you 100 percent!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Is it rude for children to stick out their tongues?
Birthdays, Boots, Boots and Barefeet
Apparently I overlooked this gem in my first editing batch. How could I pass up such a sweet face sitting with her best friend Boots times two?
Blog Archive
- My three guys
- Can I crush the ducks?
- The perils of a snap shot {Tooth Fairy Tales}
- Wait, what season is it again?
- Back where he belongs
- Uh-Oh, spagehetti...
- It's a zoo out there!
- Football widow, not for me! We're Cheeseheads toge...
- Love at first sight
- Frog hunting
- Sitting on the dock of the bay, wishing so anyway
- Never forget, never forgotten
- Birthday to Anniversary Balloons
- Tacos, Snickers and Traffic ahead
- Baby's riding off to dreamland
- They say prayer changes things.
- Look, up in the sky!
- It's coming!
- Gotcha!
- Heart's desires
- Play time
- Fluff-A-Nutter
- Unforgettable
- Goin' to the Zoo today, goin' to the zoo!
- Scratch and Sniff (almost)
- What he (and she) said