Sunday, October 31, 2010

My three guys

IMG_6176w, originally uploaded by TH.Photography.

Today is October 31, 2010. There are two big significant annual acknowledgments of the day: my parents wedding anniversary (51 years this year) and, of course, our family's first Christmas movie night of the season tradition.
Mom and Dad were planning on coming over here to go out for dinner with us and we were all looking forward to it. My Mr. even planned, yes PLANNED out the afternoon and everything. Unfortunately, Mom wasn't feeling well, so they had to cancel.
Picking up the slack, we made a day out of an unexpected and unplanned weekend afternoon. We had a lot of fun making our rounds: Strawberry Street Cafe for bathtub salad, For the Love of Chocolate for movie treats, Maymont Park for a walk in the setting sun and home to watch our Christmas movie. I love our little family traditions like this, quirky as they may be, and I can't wait to do it again next year.

1 comment:

  1. So sweet Tami. Love it! Family traditions are precious. Glad you had such a fun day.

    Now, we have to make time for my "tradition" in VA with you....Chick-fil-A! :)

    See you soon,

