Wednesday, September 15, 2010


IMG_5173w, originally uploaded by TH.Photography.
His first sandwich sans help. Last night I shared a story about fluffanutters and how Mom, Grandma, used to make them for us. So I bought a jar of fluff {not pictured}.

"They're better than s'mores, Nicholas!"

"They are, Mom?"

"Yes, Honey. It's like putting marshmallows on bread with peanut butter."

The next afternoon as we finished up school work, I heard him busy himself in the kitchen. I didn't think much of it since it's a common activity which usually results in a cold juice and snack. Not today. No sir.
You see exactly what I saw when I turned the corner. Not wanting to hurt his feelings, I grabbed my camera and contained my laugh, but he sensed my hysterics.

"I made it bad. It's no good."

"NO, Honey. YOU made it PERFECTLY, that's why I'm getting a picture of it."

And there you have it: Fluff-a-nutter by Nicholas. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did (and from the bite that was already missing, him too.)

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