Saturday, August 28, 2010


IMG_0686w, originally uploaded by TH.Photography.
It's my party and I'll cry if I want to. No, I didn't cry; my guys gave me a great birthday. I guess I could put my age here, let's just say it's not 26- and truthfully, I don't think I'd want to go back there. But in honor of my birthday I want to share 26 (completely random) things about me:

1.  My mom calls me every August 26 exactly at 2:26 in the afternoon which marks
    both my birthdate and birth time. She does this for each of her 6 children.
2.  I have to ask my mom what time my own children were born-that or look up
    their records somewhere.
3.  My mom has taught me a lot about life and how to live it well-with grace,
    strength and faith. Thanks mom. My dad has taught me so much, too!
4.  My first date with my husband was on the 26th. I never realized how that is
     such a familiar number in my life's events.
5.  I love cold pillows, warm socks and the silky binding on fluffy blankets.
6.  Always is the perfect time to be at the beach. That will never change.
7.  There are no words: Hummingbird Cake-my favorite:
8.  I am an all or nothing person. That can be a really good thing, or not so much.
9.  To know me means to know how much I love teaching.
10. I gave birth to my two sons just about ten years apart.
11. Dr. Bohannon, my anesthesiologist, was a high school friend of my husband's.
     They were almost happier to see one another again (as they shook hands
     over my very large and viciously contracting belly) as I was to meet him. He
     was there for both of my c/sections as well as my gallbladder operation.
     I <3 him!
12. Everywhere we go, Troy runs into someone he knows.
     He talks to them for hours, it past friendships grew in other places.
13. My BS in Education was earned at LU. I have only great memories of my
     years there and it's a heartwarming journey anytime I'm near to visit.
14. My best friends truly have loved at all times. Proverbs 17:17
15. Sometimes I think I don't deserve my husband.
16. Sometimes I think I don't want to be around my husband.
17. Those beams in my eyes seem to be recurring. (See #16)
18. I need to PLAN. Everything. Always.
19. I am NO fun to live with if my house, to-do list, out of order.
20. My teenager says I'm OCD. I'll have to think about that one a little more. Ok.
     I'll give it to him...a little bit.
21. I love to write.
22. I love to take pictures.
23. I don't write or take pictures enough (probably because they're not
     written down in my planner.)
24. If you meet me and don't know that I love the Lord-or more, that He loves
     me, I consider that to my detriment.
     It's sort of back to the beach thing again (vs17-18).
25. I worry too much about what- ifs and miss too many could-have-beens along
     the way.
26. Do you remember wishing on your third and last fictional wish
     for even more wishes?
     That's where I am with my last random thing about me. I think I'll come back
     later with more and not write a last one here and now. (I'm a planner, yes,
     but not usually "in the box.") I like that about me. (This doesn't count as #26-
     or maybe it does, and the Genie showed up!)

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