Wednesday, September 22, 2010

They say prayer changes things.

IMG_4597w1, originally uploaded by TH.Photography.
This adorable little girl came dressed to the nines in her new boutique blue, smocked dress. It was almost as beautiful as was she. However, she had a problem and it was something she took straight to the Lord. Today was not a good day for a photo shoot despite all appearances.
Snacks were important, yes. Being close to Momma was very important, yes-yes. Looking at that woman with the camera, not so much. And please, PLEASE get me off of this bench.
She got off but not without suffering a bit of a bloody lip. She bounced herself off of that seat faster than I could press the shutter or mom could catch a breath. She's fine, but Mom and I both lost a couple years that day. I hope she'll let me try again one day soon!

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