Here's tonight's Nicholasism as we drove home from Grandma's and Grandpa's house:
Nicholas, "Mommy, LOOK! A train! Can we stop to take a picture?"
Me, "I can't pull off the highway right now, but that is a neat train!"
N, "What's in that train and what is it for?"
Me, "That's coal. It's used by some things for fuel similar to how fire works in a fire place."
N, "Oh, well that's a lot of coal."
Me, "Yeah, some people would say that's what naughty kids get in their stockings from Santa."
N, "Well I guess that's where it's going then, to the North Pole getting ready for Christmas."
He is so adorable!!!! He'll never find coal in his stocking! Love the acceptance and the trust and the matter-of-fact reply. Wasn't it obvious where that train was going? Destination North Pole! Love it!