Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas 2010: Do you hear what I hear?

I love music and Christmas time brings an nostalgia to so many season favorites. One of my favorites is Mariah Carey’s version of Oh Holy Night; it leaves me wandering from reality right into the truest reason to celebrate Christmas:
Oh, holy night, the stars are brightly shining
It is the night of our dear Savior's birth.

No matter the month on the calendar, my family and I love all kinds of music. We (the boys and I) spend a lot of time in the car going to or from all things baseball, so the fact we have fun enjoying some of the same music together at times gets us over the hill and around the bend with laughter and a renewed energy on the long rides. There are a few songs that I could list here as indicative of Mitchel’s 16th year, but none as true as John Fogerty’s Centerfield:
Well, beat the drum and hold the phone - the sun came out today!
We’re born again, there’s new grass on the field.
A-roundin’ third, and headed for home, it’s (my) brown-eyed handsome man;
Anyone can understand the way I feel.
Put me in Coach, I’m ready to play, today!

He continues, somehow, to keep growing and has passed his dad at just about 6’ 3” and filling up size 16 shoes. I think his body is trying to catch up with his heart. On the ball field Mitchel has had a wonderful year playing for a few teams including his high school team, the Richmond Patriots. He’s had few and minor (thankfully) injuries, a lot of compliments from other coaches, many RBIs and several home runs, however this year’s red letter day was penned with what every boy dreams of when he rocked a grand slam! I honestly can not tell you who in our family was more excited, and it was exhilarating for the entire ballpark to celebrate with him. None of us will ever forget it! And yet, watching him lumber across the ice and snow slicked road to shovel a widow’s driveway or load the groceries from a handicapped woman’s cart to her trunk is what makes my own heart melt. His heart is bigger than his beautiful smile and for that I am the most thankful.
Nicholas is the life of our home and my life would not be complete without him. He’s like no other, full of energy, laughter, character, adventure, curiosity, surprises, tenacity, toughness, sweetness and love. I sometimes joke that I should hang a “donations accepted” sign on him from which we’d probably be able to eat for a week. We’re all worn out by bed time, but it’s always been and adventure from sunrise to sunset as portrayed in Even Heros Sleep from the broadway show Starmites:
Say good night, I'll be the light, and pray your soul to keep
It's been fun, but day is done, and even heroes sleep.
Close your eyes, and maybe then you'll fly
to the planets and back again
And bring those dragons to their woeful end
pretend and close your eyes
My little hero, My little boy
My little hero, Close your eyes...

First grade is of no consequence to my insatiable adventurer. As fast as his little body goes, his mind is far ahead (of it and of us). Anything he wants to do, wants, is taken by storm. He’d rather not be boxed in, but that’s one of the treasures of homeschooling and this mommy understands that feeling so well. We’ll continue to lose ourselves in great stories, (his and others’) and enjoy life together while we’re blessed enough to have it this way.
Along with my ordinary (that’s funny-ordinary) schedule and responsibilities, I’ve taken the plunge and have started toward a side business sharing my passion through photography. I keep my blog updated pretty regularly @ and would love to have you stop by to see what I’m up to. Indeed it is A Wonderful World:
I see trees of green, red roses too
I see them bloom for me and you
And I think to myself what a wonderful world.
I hear babies crying, I watch them grow
They'll learn much more than I'll never know
And I think to myself what a wonderful world
Yes I think to myself what a wonderful world.

I’m still learning all the time, but I’m thrilled to be giving others a treasured and permanent part of their fleeting lives. I don’t know just how far into my business plan I’ll get this year; between managing everything to run our home, schooling the boys, baseball and whatever Nicholas decides he’s going to do this year, I’m really stretched for days around home. Slow and steady is fine with me. My children won’t wait to grow up and I don’t intend on missing that.
Troy continues to be a workhorse on the job and we continue to be very thankful that he is still with Smurfit Stone and working along side some people he counts as friends. He's been so busy with work that vacation days were packed away, and when they were scheduled baseball practices/tryouts popped up. More than anything, he loves to be involved in Mitchel’s baseball and Nicholas’ adventures as much as possible. He’s a great dad. I can only imagine what will break out of him when Nicholas gets his wish of hitting the football field. Oh boy! In my unique sense of humor I would like to put in a few choices of songs to exemplify his life this year, but alas I shall refrain. We love our life, our boys, our family, but we often wish for time away together, just the two of us. Someday. Until then, any day when it is the two of us together is a good day. Dave Matthews, You and Me Together:
Wanna pack your bags
Something small
Take what you need and we disappear
Without a trace we be gone, gone
The moon and the stars follow the car
And then when we get to the ocean
Gonna take a boat to the end of the world
All the way to the end of the world
Oh, And when the kids are old enough
Were gonna teach them to fly
You and me together, could do anything baby
You and me together yes yes
The two of us together, could do anything baby
You and me together, yes yes

Our hope for you this Christmas is that you can keep a song in your heart throughout the new year and enjoy life to its fullest with those you love. Next time you hear Oh Holy Night, think about what John 10:10 says, He came that we would have abundant life. We wish your family just that!
Merry Christmas with Love,
Troy, Tami, Mitchel and Nicholas Henion

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