If you've seen the movie Tangled you know 'the smoulder,' as seen here. Mr. Medium Boy (as he currently refers to himself) can be seen rearing up for a good smouldering at any given moment. It's possible that the act of competing with Flynn Rider is in direct conflict with Mario. You see, it's been about 7 months that I've been looking for a pair of overalls to fit Mr. Medium Boy so he could fulfill his dream of 'being Mario." I'm his mom, so of course I want to help make his wildest dreams come true, but there was no getting his frame into any Osh Kosh by Gosh pair of boys overalls. Enter Goodwill and over-sized denim overalls, rolled up pants, shortened straps and tied up backs. He hasn't taken them off yet. I guess he has dragons to slay; does Mario slay dragons in all those castles, anyway?
I digress. Be it Mario or Rapunzel's blossoming love, I always like him best as my little boy, uh-hmm, Mr. MEDIUM Boy, that is. ;)
Friday, January 28, 2011
Tangled. Mario. The boy behind the story; there's always a story...
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Converse Chuck Taylors
It might be the dead of winter here in Virginia, but I have a little boy whose two feet are never still (thank you, Lord!). As always, if they're not running across the yard, or house, or pounding in his bed, they're getting ready to. Come on spring, we have a lot of catching up to do and some cool shoes in which to do it.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Fab 52:3
1988 and my second year of teaching kindergarten at a private school in the city. One little boy, Dwayne, instantly found his way into a part of my heart forever. He was, in a word, understated. His family had little but he gave his all; how could you not love that? In the honeymoon period of both my career and my marriage and life was grand. Christmas came and the students gave me presents. I sure didn't expect that but it was wonderful to feel even more special than I did every day. Dwayne sheepishly handed me a gift; he'd been watching me open the occasional too much of gift from his classmates. I graciously took the wrapped box he held and with him beside me untied and unwrapped it carefully. As much as I loved that little boy, I loved this gift: he again gave his all. What was that now, 23 years ago? Many student gifts have come throughout these years, but that one has stayed. A little wooden rocking horse adorned in my favorite red ribbon bow. Thank you, Dwayne. I hope you're still giving it your all wherever your life has taken you. I'll never forget your kindness!
Tuckahoe Sports, Little League Drive, Richmond Patriots Baseball: A day in our life
Through the winter, two days a week are leased out before they begin, or end. On any given Tuesday or Friday you will find us in the car, on the road and driving 40 minutes across town for baseball practice. Work, time, money and sacrifice by all. This truly is a family event and while I know in my heart these days are fleeting and I'll truly miss them, sometimes I feel like these days don't end. I'm sure my youngest (and my "oldest") feels the same, too.
I thought you might want to come along for the ride on Friday. Thanks for the company!
I should add that you're right, we were going 70 mph down the highway, but not to worry- I wasn't driving!(Obviously...I was taking photos!)
I thought you might want to come along for the ride on Friday. Thanks for the company!
I should add that you're right, we were going 70 mph down the highway, but not to worry- I wasn't driving!(Obviously...I was taking photos!)
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Wash me and I shall be white as snow...
An evening lit snow covered church too beautiful to just drive by. God's creation is truly masterful.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Fab 52:2
Week 2 and what a cute filled week of photos. Baby K, just about a 4 weeks old and wide awake, was too cute for words. I'm glad I was able to get some shots of her even w/o cooperation. I hope she's more pliable with Mom and Dad over the next 18 years. :)
Friday, January 7, 2011
Fab 52. Week 1
Happy New Year: It's going to be a BIG year!
My "baby" shares his word card with his brother while we were outside working on the next photo in this post. I'm sure he just didn't want to miss anything. Either that or he was telling his brother he's big. Ok, so he IS big, but I still don't buy that excuse for plunging through the door!Every week I'll be sharing my favorite photo(s) from the week, Fab 52. I hope you'll take this journey with me through the next 12 months, 52 weeks and 365 (minus 7) days.
This year my brother decided his nephew needed a knife. I don't know why, something about him being 16 and never owning one. "Looks like stitches to me," was my reply. Fast forward a week, a tickling midnight throat, a succinctly closed PEZ Snowman (99 cents, thank you very much) and a teenager with a new knife. It was kind of him not to want to bother us so late and bandage up his own 'cut.' At breakfast I notice the 'wrap job.'
"What's that?"
"I told you I cut my thumb, but it's ok."
"Sure it's ok?"
"Yeah, Mom, it's fine."
As he passed the syrup I notice what appears to be blood dripping down his thumb from under the athletic tape by which he's secured his little cut.
"Umm, hey Bud, what's all of that?"
"Oh nothing, that's just dried from dripping down, it's not cut that far."
"I think maybe you should unwrap it and let me take a look."
"Oh, MOM."
Unwrapping begins. Driving home ensues.
My son pokes his hand in the middle of the front seat and I look down to my left. Thank goodness I was sitting. I was obviously unprepared for what I was seeing. Noticing my husband carefully avoiding a glance at all costs I tell him to pull over so I can get a closer look. I got out of the car and opened M's door to see him untaping his hand yet again.
"Looks like stitches to me."
There is some good news: he didn't cut it with the knife, but by pulling the plastic that contained the slippery snowman full of candy, there was no nerve damage, he didn't bleed to death and the doctor got a second opinion before stitching him up with several stitches and went in favor of steristrips. We are thankful for the Lord's protection in each incidence. So far, and barely, we've lived through 10 days of no workouts or baseball anything. That's no way to start the new year, but at last it's all behind us now. Let's go, 2011!
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Happy New Year, see you at the beach!
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