Tuesday, April 5, 2011

How do you peel boiled eggs?

I can't be the only one who washes the same load of laundry more than once. Who else puts off the inevitable? Think about it: how many of the "dos" on your to-do list could have, should have, already been done? Most of mine is evidence of procrastination. Yeah, I am doing 723 jobs daily and my schedule's flexibility is more flexible than I am pliable (still working on that), but my days consist of 24 hours, just like every one of yours does.
It takes one pot of water covered eggs coming to a boil plus 22 minutes to cook hard boiled eggs. The ensuing egg salad takes just a few minutes more. A couple slices of a juicy tomato, lettuce and fresh wheat bread makes a delicious sandwich and one of my family's favorite lunches. Yummo. Even when using organic or fresh farmed eggs (try them if you have not-the difference in taste is incredible!), it's a pretty cheap meal. So why don't I make it more often? Simple. Peeling. Yep, I hate peeling the eggs; it's a pain! And so I fill the pot with cold water and wait as long I can to do work. Crack! The top is broken, another wrap on the counter and the bottom is fractured. Roll and begin peeling, and peeling, and picking (and poking under your fingernails with the knife like broken shell pieces). You'll fidget as the process lags switching legs to alleviate cramping and arms to avoid a limb falling asleep in the duration. Shoo the dog, quiet the children, let the phone go unanswered and keep peeling, and peeling (cross your legs if you must, but don't stop peeling). Rinse under water hoping to jar some of the stuck on shells (Sugar Land may have used a like experience for their song, Stuck Like Glue) and save some egg for the salad instead of the disposal. Whatever you do, don't throw away the eggs that aren't all shiny and smoothly peeled. They are still very usable. (OCD too?)
That's my normal procedure for peeling eggs: put it off until the 11th hour. Maybe you can relate. Imagine my surprise when time was of the essence (so was lunch) earlier this week and the dreadful process of peeling began. I had to peel warm eggs. There wasn't much confidence in the prospect of my youngest eating egg salad that wasn't cold, but it was pretty much all I had. Eggs and his agreement that egg salad would be great for lunch, and so it goes. (Is 2:30 too late for lunch? Yep, that kind of day.) I began peeling: crack, turn, crack, roll, peel...WOW, this egg peeled effortlessly, as did the next one, and the next, and the next! What do you know? Peeling the eggs instead of letting them set made the job a cinch. Really!
It got me thinking. How much of my life's daily tasks become burdensome chores simply because I choose not to do them when they're meant to be done? Too many.
Proverbs 31:27 (NLT) She carefully watches everything in her household and suffers nothing from laziness.


  1. I don't have any eggs to peel, but I have a mountain of laundry waiting to be put away. Guess I'd better "get crack'in". :)

    Great thoughts Tami.
    Love ya,

  2. I also have mounds of laundry. I detest folding. Drives me crazy! However I have to say I was laughing so hard at your egg description! It's so true! Perhaps it helps to peel when warm but I haven't always had that luck. We too love egg salad and I think well be making some this week:)

