Saturday, July 10, 2010

In my mind I'm going to Carolina

Originally uploaded by TH.Photography
Give me just a second to my own thoughts, and I'm there. College days and spring breaks started my affair with South Carolina's coast. Memories from those trips still make me laugh as I think back and I love talking with my life long girlfriends about those days gone by, but it's the times since then that have sealed my affections for this place. Years of traveling down I95 for hours landing my feet on its sandy beaches have embedded such joy in me that my heart leaps at the hope of another return trip. Even to hear James Taylor start singing his famous lyrics can cause my normally even keel "coolness" to fall apart:
In my mind I'm goin' to Carolina
Can't you see the sunshine
Can't you just feel the moonshine
Ain't it just like a friend of mine
It hit me from behind
Yes I'm gone to Carolina in my mind...
I'll ask my husband questions like, "Can we leave tomorrow?" Knowing he has a big business planning meeting out of state or that our son has a baseball tournament his team is counting on him for. No dog sitter, no clean clothes...reality just doesn't matter when there's the chance of escaping just that.
As newlyweds we dreamed dreams walking along the shore hand in hand. Years later we chased our firstborn as he chased the seagulls (and his beach balls) on the same sandy ground. Decades pass by and our baby builds castles and collects shells dipping his toes in the lapping waves as they crash land his plans, , but enjoying one of God's most marvelous creations on earth all the same. The sky lights up from sunrise to moonrise and my soul stirs with every waking moment I treasure there at the beach. Sea breezes, bright morning horizons and glowing sunsets...Oh how my soul longs for you.


  1. Tami,
    I enjoyed reading this. I have missed your company. I pray that life keeps blessing you with trips there and most of all trips there with your children and your children's children! Love BJ

