Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Is it rude for children to stick out their tongues?

IMG_4365w, originally uploaded by TH.Photography.
After this particular capture, I am wondering if this rule is worth changing, I mean, really? This is simply pure precsiousilliness. Don't you think? We moms will recall this cute little newborn's expression the next time we try to keep a straight face and chastise our own pride and joy for the crime of, ummm, preciousilliness. :)

Birthdays, Boots, Boots and Barefeet

IMG_4164w, originally uploaded by TH.Photography.

Apparently I overlooked this gem in my first editing batch. How could I pass up such a sweet face sitting with her best friend Boots times two?

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sweet Pea

IMG_4245w2, originally uploaded by TH.Photography.

Another baby sweet! I was a little rushed on my own because I felt badly that Miss Baby Girl was ready to eat and Beautiful Mommy was trying to not stress and get some photos. It's always a lot of fun for me whenever I get to hold a brand new baby girl. There haven't been too many in my own world of boys, boys, boys. I know Mom, Dad and Big Sissy are anxious to get out a proper introduction for their newest blessing. I don't blame them one sweet pea little bit. . Believe me, she really is this cute!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

She ought to be in pictures!

IMG_4241w, originally uploaded by TH.Photography.

Just look at her! Can't deny those baby her.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

My Three Guys

This one needs some editing done to it as it's right out of the camera, but it's simply my favorite photo of all 3 of my guys. Daddy and Mitchel were singing Happy First Birthday to our newest baby-guy and he was enjoying every word. It was a wonderful family celebration of so much that had changed between 3.4.04. and 3.4.05. There will NEVER bee too many times I get to stand around a birthday table w/all and any of my family to sing Happy Birthday to each of them. One tiny step for brotherhood and one giant leap for TnT Henion. We love you boys more than you could ever realize...even when your bathroom is not clean, your teeth need brushing and the yard hasn't yet been cut.  We LOVE you!

Christmas in July

IMG_8977galleryW, originally uploaded by TH.Photography.
By default (and three years of saving Disney Dollars), we are planning a December vacation to see Mickey Mouse. For us Christmas symbolizes Jesus' birth and we love to see Disney's proclamation of the manger done only as they could do it. And wow, the candle light processional is just out of this world as the choir enters in and the harmonizing trumpeters announce their arrival, as if they needed it.. I'm almost ready to stand up right this minute for the finale as I feel like I"m there. It won't be long, Lord willing we'll be able to come up with the rest of the money necessary to spend a week together at the most exciting time of the year, in the happiest place on earth, celebrating the most important birth ever. M-I-C  K-E-Y  M-O-U-S-E!  See you real soon!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Webber Love

Oh, the lazy days of summer. 
What a better way to pass 
time than dinner on the deck 
compliments of Mr. Webber? 
Warning: This is not a scratch and sniff post :P

Let them eat cake!

Originally uploaded by TH.Photography
This was the first wedding of my wedding-season 2010. From the quaint and richly historic church to the timeless vintage inspired ivory lace gown, this was an elegant wedding. Again, I was blessed to not only have been included in the couple's lives, but also to watch my husband officiate the ceremony as I directed the day's events. The cake? Well, that was just the icing on this fun and perfect day. This Dr. and her sailor have nothing but the promise of a beautiful future together. Congratulations and much love to you two.


Originally uploaded by TH.Photography
Another one from the birthday girl's shoot. Dora has the corner market for her invitations, but it's Boots who has her heart. I love the adoration made obvious in the was this almost three year old holds and hugs her Boots. I think he's helping make her birthday even more special this year. I love that age!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Birthday Balloons and a bridge

Originally uploaded by TH.Photography
I loved this little girl. The funniest thing that night was when she had me and her mom pulling those particular three from the larger bouquet of balloons. She was determined that she would be carrying those, and *just* those with her as she walked away. Not too sure where exactly she was heading at this point, but the photo was too telling not to capture. No doubt her birthday party will be full of even more of her executive decisions. How blessed I am to be writing another story, one click at a time.

Her Salor's Kiss

Originally uploaded by TH.Photography
What a fun wedding! This young couple has been romancing a long distance relationship and engagement for a year. Their mantra was, "You live your life and one day love just happens." Finally together, they tied the knot (had to get that Navy innuendo in there somehow!) on June 15, 2010 in Richmond, VA. It was a hot but gorgeous day: I'm still not too sure if it was from the sunshine or the beautiful beaming bride herself. I love the excitement of marrying your best friend. I'm excited that I happened to be there to capture it all. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Sailor, umm, Snider. You two are greater together than you are apart...that's a lot of greatness.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

First Kiss

Originally uploaded by TH.Photography
Ok, this isn't the best shot of the wedding from *my* perspective, but if you ask the bride and groom they'll give you a different opinion. You see, this is the first kiss they shared and wife, bare feet, tip-toes and anticipation realized. What a beautiful moment.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Beautiful Birthday Princess

Originally uploaded by TH.Photography
Wow, what a great evening I had with Miss Anna at a local park. The sunset, the pond, the birds-everythng was picture perfect . From across the bridge I saw balloons flying amidst the tress and then I saw the little princess... and she stole the show! Thank you Anna for letting me share in your third birthday celebration: happy birthday!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

In my mind I'm going to Carolina

Originally uploaded by TH.Photography
Give me just a second to my own thoughts, and I'm there. College days and spring breaks started my affair with South Carolina's coast. Memories from those trips still make me laugh as I think back and I love talking with my life long girlfriends about those days gone by, but it's the times since then that have sealed my affections for this place. Years of traveling down I95 for hours landing my feet on its sandy beaches have embedded such joy in me that my heart leaps at the hope of another return trip. Even to hear James Taylor start singing his famous lyrics can cause my normally even keel "coolness" to fall apart:
In my mind I'm goin' to Carolina
Can't you see the sunshine
Can't you just feel the moonshine
Ain't it just like a friend of mine
It hit me from behind
Yes I'm gone to Carolina in my mind...
I'll ask my husband questions like, "Can we leave tomorrow?" Knowing he has a big business planning meeting out of state or that our son has a baseball tournament his team is counting on him for. No dog sitter, no clean clothes...reality just doesn't matter when there's the chance of escaping just that.
As newlyweds we dreamed dreams walking along the shore hand in hand. Years later we chased our firstborn as he chased the seagulls (and his beach balls) on the same sandy ground. Decades pass by and our baby builds castles and collects shells dipping his toes in the lapping waves as they crash land his plans, , but enjoying one of God's most marvelous creations on earth all the same. The sky lights up from sunrise to moonrise and my soul stirs with every waking moment I treasure there at the beach. Sea breezes, bright morning horizons and glowing sunsets...Oh how my soul longs for you.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Yes Sir, that's my baby!

Originally uploaded by TH.Photography
Three shots. That's all he'd give me but I count it as success. Those eyes and that smirk give a glimpse into the character bound up in that little boy...who couldn't love him?!
Many of the sacrifices getting my business up and running to this point have been paid by him. Tomorrow I'll leave my computer sit idle and make it his day. I think I'll take my camera along and let him call the shots; he deserves it. (Yeah, he calls the shots ordinarily. How'd you guess?)
I'll be back soon with the unveiling of my new webiste. I'm so excited to share this new chapter of my life with you.


IMG_3961gallery2WM, originally uploaded by TH.Photography.

3 shots. That's all he'd give me but I count it as success. Those eyes and that smirk give a glimpse into the character bound up in that little boy...who couldn't love him?!
