Sunday, June 21, 2009

My Dad

What does a daughter learn from her dad?

that sawdust smells great
and walking into Lowe's brings a feeling of comfort
if half of her work isn't finished by 10 AM she's wasted her day
that he'll never understand some of us aren't morning people
waking up to "You Are My Sunshine" made it bearable
piglets are a pet to only dream about
her destructive childhood dog could stay because he didn't want to break her heart
a quiet drive and an ice cream cone can fix most anything
guys who break up with her aren't good enough anyway
accidents happen; cars are replaceable
how to drive --down Old Swimming Pool road-HELP!
convertibles, flowers and a beautiful evening is a great 'first date' with the best guy ever
putt-putt for birthdays is a great place to be
how to fix-it: sinks, walls, holes, paint...(good thing)
even if green and yellow is ugly (really ugly), he'll still buy the paint for her bedroom
to bring her friends home when they need a second family and mom and him will give them one
college is worth a second, or third, try
that daughters are special
prayer changes everything
to work hard
to marry someone who works hard
to be kind and understanding to that someone when he's working hard (via Mom)
that love covers a multitude of sins
everything he could give to her, he did (and does)
watching your daughter getting married isn't easy on a dad
he loved her first*
becoming a parent is a bridge to both unconditional love and heartbreak
you'll miss your grown children more than you know
(and they'll miss him the same)
great memories with your family will carry you through some really hard times
being a grandpa is wonderful-he'll share their joys and sorrows with her
though time goes by, homes and jobs change, people grow all around, life will pull in every direction possible and still,
he could never out give his love for her
and she just wants him to know that it's true for her too
But I loved her first and I held her first
And a place in my heart will always be hers
From the first breath she breathed
When she first smiled at me
I knew the love of a father runs deep
And I prayed that she'd find you someday
But it's still hard to give her away
I loved her first*
So much of who I am started with you, Dad. Thank you. I love you.
Happy Father's Day~2009

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