Thursday, April 23, 2009

Not by Sight

Instead of staying for Sunday School today, we dropped off Mitchel and his friend and headed to CVS for yet some other medicine for Nicholas' goopy, swollen, and unwillingly pollinated eye. Troy had to go back in to the store a second and third time to exchange the wrong box I picked up and then to get some money back on the transaction. In the mean time, Nicholas and I were singing in the car.
"I'm in-right, out-right, up-right, down-right happy all the time... Since Jesus Christ came in and washed my heart from sin; I'm in-right, out-right, up-right, down-right happy all the time!"
"Nicholas, do you know what sin is? It's the wrong things we choose to do, right?"
"Yep, Mom."
We sing some more and his realization is met with incredible excitement.
"HE, Jesus, can take away my sins?"
"Yes Honey. The Bible says that when we ask Him to, He does just that."
I see him thinking and he holds out his hand from the back in his car seat. I reach my hand back to him as he says, "Come on, Mom." I've never been more in love with this boy than at this very moment.
Just then Troy comes back in the car and he's talking about his third time's a charm return to the cashier whom I'm sure is glad he's left the building at this point. Knowing what was on Nicholas' heart, I told Troy, "Shhhh, listen..."
Nicholas had his folded hands up to his face as he simply prayed, "Jesus, please forgive me and take away my sins. Amen."
Troy was in awe, a tender, tearful awe for he didn't know what had been taking place in the car for the moments he was in CVS. Every night after bed time prayers, Troy has asked the Lord that Nicholas would accept Him at an early age and live a life that would please Him.  For this day, all he knew is that he was on a mission to heal his son's eye. 
All the while, God was on a mission to heal his heart. Praise the Lord! This conversation has come up again and again. Nicholas seems to be confident and clear in his prayer and the who, what, why of his prayer. God is a promise keeper: He created us, loves us and when invited to, forgives us! The faith of a child was so indubitably displayed to us on Sunday, April 19, 2009. May I never forget it.

For we walk by faith and not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7


  1. This picture is after his eye started to look much better!

  2. This picture is after his eye started to look much better!

