Tuesday, August 25, 2009

No greater joy

That's my boy! Of all the things a mom would want her son to be: compassionate, passionate, loving, generous, forgiving, quick to right any wrong...Mitchel is. They are him. Have you heard it said about big guys, They're just big teddy-bears? It fits. Shhhh, don't tell his friends. His dad often gets lost as he watches Mitchel doing whatever he's doing at the time and he'll muse aloud, "He's everything we'd dream of when talking about having a son." It's true. God's been so good to us- and to him. So many possibilities and so much potential in that six foot plus body of his; I can't wait to see what the Lord has planned. But for this mom; I have no greater joy than to hear my children walk in truth. 3 John 1:4. That's my dream for him. My dream for me.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Mascots, Dogs and Embossing Powder

He's struck again and while I was talking to a girlfriend about meeting for coffee because we both need to a break, what I thought was a need has be confirmed. During that phone call, Nicholas was busy.
I didn't even wonder what he was doing because we'd been cleaning together all day.
My bad.
Bouncing into my room as if he'd just won the toy-lottery, he shouts, "DO YOU WANT TO SEE HIM? I colored Lambeau."
I pictured an entire 500 sheet tablet of new construction paper cut and glued to the poor dog. Wrong. Soooooo wrong.
Recently I'd been digging through my rubber stamp collection and left out the inks. My bad seems to be a good fit here, too. Guess who found them? But it wasn't the stamps that intrigued him this time. Maybe it was, but if so those thoughts didn't linger. I swear, this child has an insatiable curiosity and an imagination to match. No, today it was the sparkle of the embossing powder: five jars of blue, red, gold and iridescent filled to the brim embossing powder to be exact.
Had there been a contest for most patriotic dog, mascot, (or spirited boy), I envision a blue ribbon hanging proudly around Nicholas' neck as he drags a reluctant dog through the grandstand, himself joining in with the cheers of the crowd. He helped clean up. Mitchel rescued the dog's once brown eyes and honey-gold fur from the remnants of his brother's art project and all is once again back to normal in the house.
How quickly can a get a shower?

Saturday, August 22, 2009


He has fun no matter where we are or what we're doing. Here, rolling down the hill waiting for Mitchel and a friend to finish hitting balls. He's such a joy in my life. Thank you Lord for my boys.

My Top Ten and Troy

He's a 10 in my book!

1. I love my husband's eyes which truly show me his soul. He is my soul mate.
2. I love my husband's heart. His heart is both quick to seek forgiveness and the first to forgive.
3. I love my husband's ability to get along with everyone he meets: he is well liked by nearly everyone who knows him-and rightfully so.
4. I love my husband's drive to be a great father as well as a respected and successful businessman.
5. I love that my husband loves me, not for all I do for him (though he does love that about me), but because of the person I am.
6. I love my husband's sensitivity.
7. I love my husband's strength.
8. I love my husband's steadfast and unwavering faith. He is a man of God and I love that about him.
9. I love that I've never had to question, even in the heat of an argument, his heart's intention. He has never set out to hurt me in any way.
10. I love that he is a man I can admire and respect in so many ways, and I do.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Quality Control

The list.

I've been amazed at how many young women have "the" list. Asterisk after asterisk they've penned the prerequisites necessary in any man before they'll even consider calling him Husband. Hmm, should I have thought of that? In retrospect, even without such earmarks there were certain things I always imagined I'd find in the man who would eventually win my heart.

Endearing and enticing, my godly man would indulge in humor, a vie for life, integrity, compassion and a growing and undying love for me. In a name,Troy. I knew when I met him that I had indeed met my knight: the one who God had set apart for me. He knew this was God's appointment for us too! Just days after we met, both of us a bit fearful of this immediate connection, he would inaudibly whisper his love for me, and in turn I'd ask him what he was going to do about it. Thus began our journey together.
Through the years, I've come to learn even more about myself (and a lot more about him) and much more about living life. "These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world." John 16:33 God's Word can be proved true throughout my life. Tribulations and trials have come. And they have passed. My feet have trod on the peak of the mountains leaving me breathless as the thin air of awe surrounded me. I have trudged through the valleys gasping to catch my breath wondering if even Jesus himself would be able to sustain me. He would. He did. He is a Promise Keeper. I need a promise keeper in my husband and I need so much more.
My husband does possess so many of the qualities I find myself continually longing for, but to go through the ebbs and flow of this life, I need the dependability and certainty of them ALL and all the time. That is an impossible expectation for anyone.
I need to be loved, I need hope. It didn't take long for me to realize that if I'm going to be able to handle what life throws at me, I need a safe place to fall and on someone who doesn't fall Himself. I need rest and restoration, a helper and healer, a teacher and one who can pull me back into the group when I go astray. Physically I have needs too, not just for intimacy, but also for nourishment. Sometimes I thirst for water, other times for knowledge and wisdom. All the time, I need to be loved even when I don't seek out my lover. Forgiveness and to be forgiven are the sources of my hope and future especially when I feel there's no reason or way to go on. His redeeming grace gives me humility to live a life that mirrors all that He is for me.
I have all of this and more in the Lord: my husband, For your Maker is your husband; the LORD of hosts is his name; and your Redeemer the Holy One of Israel; The God of the whole earth shall he be called Is 54:5.
My greatest blessing in life is the husband God gave to me. He's not perfect, no. He is also not meant to meet all of my needs. In August 1987 as I began my teaching career, the Lord put Troy and I together. No doubt it was God's hand orchestrating quality control for my listless self, but somewhere along the line I put Troy in God's spot. I don't remember when and I do not know why. God had been, was being, and is continuing to be everything I need.
I miss the blessings doubly when I displace Troy and God's roles in my life. Troy can't be God, and what a recipe for disaster that thought pattern is for both me as a woman and for my beloved who wants nothing more than to please me and make me happy. Why would I even want to limit God and all that He is? He chose me for Troy and Troy for me. It isn't always easy, but it is what is perfect and right.
No matter how shiny the armour or how white his noble stead, our own knight will pale in comparison to our Lord. Though my husband may fail to meet each of my needs all the time; that is not to be counted a failure to him, but to me. My expectations are set on the wrong man and my eyes are gazing in the wrong eyes.
Jesus will not fail me. He can and wants to meet my every need, every time. He IS my All in All. I'm so thankful in His infinite wisdom and love, He gave me Troy. I just need to keep Troy on his horse and God on His throne!
Point Of Grace says it so well~
You are my strength when I am weak

You are the treasure that I seek
You are my all in all
Seeking You as a precious jewel
Lord, to give up I'd be a fool
You are my all in all
Taking my sin, my cross, my shame
Rising up again I bless Your name
You are my all in all
When I fall down You pick me up
When I am dry You fill my cup
You are my all in all

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Trash Can Party: You're Invited!

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This was downpour worthy of some photos, so I hurried out the front door mumbling something of my plan to my boys. That was code for I'll be right back in; behave. It was wasted breath as my screech brought them both to my side in a flash. We all stood there in amazement laughing as our trash can sailed down our street like a boat on the sea its journey halted only as it joined the beginnings of a trash can party hosted by our neighbors. Talk about crashing a party! Thankfully no damage was done to the car they used to block off the unknown festivity lines but I bet they'll use caution tape next time. Had they not parked in the street, our little boat likely would have not stopped before Maryland. Donning flip-flops and draped in a green striped towel, Mitchel set out to be the party pooper. His face peeked out enough to see through the blinding rain as he sloshed through the minute made swamp. Time stood still but the rain did not as he rowed the reluctant party goer upstream and back home where he belonged.
Who would ever have thought that torrential rain, a racing trash can, a flash flood, flip-flops and two boys on the porch with their mom could amount to such a fun time?

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Three strikes and you're out!

Lightning strikes again, and that again ended tonight's tournament game in the bottom of the second inning. Mitchel's team had to come out and play tough if they wanted to get a W over the favored Richmond team, and they did just that...for awhile.
I'm listening to the pouring rain,and as much as I love the sound (and we need the rain), I type with hopes and prayers that tomorrow evening will be clear and player-ready. It would be wonderful to hold our 3-0 lead for the remainder of the game. What a long game this one is already!

...to be continued.

Get 'em, Chesterfield!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Translucent Tuesdays

Tunnel vision

Cleverly disguised as a side trip from our little hotel getaway (wink-wink), the wheels on our SUV were going round and round heading to my favorite place in the world: the BEACH! Enjoying the drive with two snoozing boys in the back seat, life was grand. And then we stopped. Anyone who drives by way of the tunnel knows to expect bumpers and tail lights. We did too. It was the sign that threw me off. Congestion ahead: Be alert. Really? The shutterbug in me was ready! Hold your applause, please. Even if I didn't happen to have my eye glued to the view finder, I had plenty of time to dig the camera out from the back in a Chinese fire-drill sort of way. No worries, a few photos for memorabilia and we were on our way. Our destination was worth the time, traffic and the tunnel vision. The Lord reminded me that life is full of taillights and roadblocks, but our eternal destination awaits-and it's worth the trip!

2 Corinthians 2:9
But as it is written, "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined the things that God has prepared for those who love him."
