Saturday, July 25, 2009


I love driving along with my five year old strapped into his UVA car seat.
He has nowhere to run and we have some wonderful conversations.
It's a rare moment when his words don't start with a pending query and this morning's blurted thought was a real jewel.
Troy had just told me that he loves me.
I could hear the wheels turning as Nicholas exclaims his own love for me.
With a bit of forcefulness to his words he continued,
"I love her more than a SUB!"
(Momentarily he added a toy too, but it was the food that got the gold here.)
I guess he was hungry?
What a sweetheart.

Blogging a background...

I've entered the world of yet another unknown. I'm designing my blog-well, Shabby is helping me along the way-but I'm still lost in that world. I've been meandering around the dark for a couple of days and nights now, but I'll be back soon. In the meantime, feel free to laugh with me as I start, redo and start all over again w/this stuff.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Wake up!

"Mom, You have beautiful eyes."
This is how Nicholas woke me up this morning.
How could I not both open my eyes and smile at him in that moment?
And guess what?
I saw a set a beautiful eyes and a perfect smile gleaming back at me.
That can turn anyone into a morning person. If not for just a day.

Monday, July 20, 2009

If the Shoe Fits

  • Pretty day for a stroll through open air shopping.
  • Saxon-no need to explain if you're from anywhere near Richmond VA, no need to explain if you're not.
  • Uggs, heaven underfoot.
  • Sylvester and Tweety-the old lady with the umbrella? HER:
  • "Would you like some help?"
  • "I'd love some help. I want these in a size seven, please."
  • "Let's see, (taking the shoe off of my foot and one off of the shelf) these are different sizes."
  • "Yeah, that one is smaller, but this one's a six and it's too small."
  • "Are you sure?"
  • (hmmm, yep hanging off the back of the sole, I'm pretty certain.) "Yeah, I tried them both on."
  • "Well, you don't want too much room in the front or in the back."
  • (Looking around to make sure I'm in the store I thought I'd walked into. Yep, still here.)
  • (Maybe she's a visual talent-I'll put the six back on...glancing at the floor)
  • "I need more room than that (since my foot is off the shoe!)"
  • "Well Chickie, (Ok-she didn't say Chickie, but she may as well have!) you're the one who's going to have to wear them!"
  • (thanks, Mom)
  • Out she comes; good thing I saw her walking the other way. "Over here!"
  • "Ok, here's the six."
  • "Umm, I need the sevens."
  • "Oh, are you sure?"
  • Nods head
  • "Back again (good thing they sold sneakers there; Zumba's got nothing on her work efforts!)."
  • "Ahh, perfect. I think I'll get these." (I heard my wallet groan.)
  • "Sorry it took me a few trips."
  • "That's ok. They're perfect. Thanks."

  • Granny made me chuckle that day. I wear those shoes as often and I think of little Granny as I scamper about those days. I still smile as I remember the encounter...she made my day and my toes still thank her for that!

  • Misfit delivers perfect fit!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Silent Musings~ A Seaside Chat

Down by the SEA...

I'm gonna soak up the sun,
While it's still free,
I'm gonna soak up the sun,
Before it goes out on me

This week I got a chance to spend a couple hours on the coast and for a moment, time stood still. A true seaside parade performed: Pelicans soar overhead in formation, a boy gaping skyward as his kite dances mid air, waves perpetually climb and crash, sand glistens as it denies its insatiable thirst, giggles echo both the child's glee and the lover's bliss-all in perfect harmony. I love this place. Forever is too short a time to stay. There my heart and soul are at perfect contentment and peace.

I turn away from the sea as I lumber through the deep dry sand and head toward the showers. "I Love a Parade" is no longer playing in my ears-if only imaginary tune before. Now, the ocean water is weighing down rolled- up pants, clumps of sand is forming a gritty second layer of skin, and I'm painfully aware that the salty flavor of the sea is slapping across my wind blown cheeks. Leave the sand at the beach! In my hurriedness and unwilling change of heart, I've lost peace and contenment before my feet even hit the parking lot.

How can that be? Love it or hate it?

A place I live to love, that gives abundant life to my very being leaves me with an undeniable Discordant Affection.

I'm willing to live with that! :)
